Happy New Year from myself and Kathryn. We’d like to thank you for following us on our world travels by reading this blog. Believe it our not, this is our 65th blog post this year. Please take solace in the fact that you will not have to read another until next year. Your suffering is over!
This year we were able to test our skills at many photographic disciplines. Up until this year, we have been primarily landscape photographers. In 2015 we broke out of that rut and tried our hand at many new disciplines. Here is a quick summary:
- Event photography
- our son Tim’s wedding to Kristen,
- our daughter Rachel’s graduation from UMass,
- my mother’s 80th birthday celebration (actually gala),
- Phoenix “City of Grace” Christmas celebration for refugees
- Street Photography in France, Italy and Spain
- Wildlife photography at the Maasai Mara in Kenya, Africa
- Long Exposure photography at the Watkins Glen waterfalls in NY
- Night photography
- Bruce Munro’s Sonoran Lights at Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden,
- Las Vegas
- Landscape photography
- The Wave,
- Bryce Canyon National Park,
- Page AZ area,
- Grand Canyon National Park,
- Arches National Park,
- Canyonlands National Park,
- Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park,
- Petrified Forest National Park
- Still Life photography at a NY Cemetery
Whew, what a busy year we had. I took over 12,000 photos (Kathryn took even more!). I started thinking, what would be our top shots from the year. How can we whittle the 25,000 photos to just a precious few. I decided to try and select one from each photographic discipline listed above (except still life). That would get me down to 6 photos which I will present to you now. I would really like your thoughts on them – so please comment!

Event Photography at Tim & Kristen’s Wedding

Street Photography in Venice

Wildlife Photography at the Maasai Mara in Kenya, Africa

Long Exposure Photography at Watkins Glen in NY

Night Photography at Bruce Munro’s Sonoran Lights in Phoenix, AZ

Landscape Photography at Bryce Canyon National Park. There were so many nice landscapes to choose from!
Thanks again for following us in 2015. 2016 will be off to quite a start with a long trip to Asia to see Myanmar, Cambodia and Thailand. Stay tuned! And, remember, it’s all about the light.
Peace to all from Jeff and Kathryn.
Great Job, Guys! I hope you have a wonderful 2016!
Wonderful photos (and memories of Venice!). I know you will love Myanmar and Cambodia – so many photo opportunities.
Have a great 2016. Best wishes from Norman and Trish