It was our anniversary the other day. The weather was exquisite. Up early and coffeed up, we were raring to go. So what do two photographers do under these conditions? We go out on a photo shoot!
We decided to go to one of our favorite shooting locations near our home in Massachusetts, Tower Hill Botanic Garden. We got there early, before it opened, allowing us to spend our time photographing without crowds of unruly patrons. We arrived to turkeys in pre-mating ritual and a boatload of cars in the parking lot. This was a bad omen, the cars, not the turkeys.

These turkeys decided to join in our anniversary celebration.
We moved over to the tulips and started to shoot. Before long, the gestapo arrived. With an air of arrogance and superiority, she announced that we were here too early. And, with our heavy-duty camera gear we were obviously professionals and should have followed their policy of registering prior to shooting. We are members, we said, then we should have known the park hours and known about the policy. I was ready to unleash all of my New York on her. She would be minced meat when I was done. But I paused, it was our anniversary. And, heaven forbid, maybe she was a teeny bit right. So, we put our nose in the air and left for one of our favorite walking routes.

Early morning – the gardens were inviting.

Simple beauty of the bleeding hearts.
We walked Chauncey Lake with our cameras looking for fowl which is a great way to salve our foul moods. The temperature was perfect. The wind was light. The sun was shining. And best of all, the birds were chirping!

Pretty bird with a pretty song.

Nice looking bird but unfortunately there is a stick in the way – as a photographer sometimes we have to settle.
Life is great.
It is all about the light.
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