Our last day in Venice, was one of contrasts, from dingy grey to charming gold.
After three windy days, we hoped that our last morning might be calm enough to provide one more opportunity to capture canal reflections that are the hallmark of a Venice photo.
Early in the morning, the residents and shops put out their garbage from the day before (daily garbage service, not bad, eh?). Convenient for the locals, ugly for us photographers. Of course, everything is picked up and swept clean by mid morning when the most of the tourists arrive, but for the early bird… it created two new challenges, to frame pictures (without garbage bags), and to stay ahead of the garbage barges with hopes of capturing the shot before the wake of the boat ruined the scene.
Midday, we crossed town and boarded our cruise ship for the next part of our trip. Wouldn’t you know, as we embarked the sun came out for the first time in three days?
But the late afternoon sun, the “sweet light”, made for a glorious golden send off as we cruised out of Venice.
…and as you know, it is all about the light.
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