The name “Death Valley” connotes an image of a barren wasteland (and it certainly does fulfill that image).

Water anyone?

Water anyone?

Our visits to Badwater and Devil’s Golf Course accentuated this image of a rugged destitute wilderness.

Endless maze of salt and dirt

Endless maze of salt and dirt

But given the right light, there is a softer side to this valley.

Soft crescent light on the dunes

Soft crescent light on the dunes

Soft light highlights the creosote bush

Soft light highlights the plants 


The soft light of the golden hour, creates beautiful abstracts on the otherwise harsh scenery.


In the valley of Zabriskie Point

Early morning light on softened grooves of Zabriskie Point

Early morning light on softened grooves of Zabriskie Point

Dusk in the valley of Zabriskie Point

As you can see, it is a little bit about the scenery and all about the light.