I grew up a tomboy, climbing trees, building forts in the woods, and capturing frogs to play with in the yard. I had green frogs, super big green bullfrogs, an occasional brown wood frog and the elusive leapard colored frog. Our frogs were harmless, with big eyes and goofy grins – what’s not to like….. Or even love. I admit, I did kiss more than one frog – after all, they were super cute and one never knew if it might turn into a prince
There was a brook out back and a pond nearby which provided endless opportunities to scout and capture a frogs. As I regularly hunted with the neighborhood boys, I earned the recognition of being the number one frog spotter. I was a little slower in actually grabbing our prize, so I only ranked three in capture. Once captured, the frogs would entertain us for hours as we built castles and tunnels for them in our sand box, or introduced them to our wading pool, or held races across the front lawn.
Needless to say, photographing colorful frogs was high on my list for our visit to Costa Rica. The photos I had seen showed the most colorful frogs. Most of them were poisonous to the touch, so catching and especially kissing the cute critters was out. Of course, you realize, that I have already found my prince so there really was no need to take any risks.
We visited “Frog’s Haven” a family owned property where they capture, care for and share a variety of frogs, snakes and other types of critters. (Snakes are for another post.) Here’s some of my favorites:

Red-eyed tree frog

Look I can climb (red eyed tree frog)

Red eyed tree frog attempting camoflouge technique

Blue Jeans frog, also known as the Strawberry Poison Dart Frog

I am so small I can fit in this little cup mushroom. (Blue Jeans Frog)

Green-and-black poison dart frog

You can’t see me, can you? (Glass frog)

I’m known as the glass frog because you can see right through me.

You can kiss me too, I’m not poisonous. (Glass frog)
I could photograph frogs all day, but the day came to end. I returned home with my prince more than satisfied with our Costa Rica frog photos.
Do the dart frogs throw darts?
Your frogs and story are wonderful. We missed you at the roundup!