The Icons of Cuba

Beyond old classic cars, what do you think of  when you think of Cuba?

Let’s explore some other aspects of Cuba that may come to mind when you think of this unique county. These could be the architecture, the people, the boxers, the cigars and of course, the music.


Perhaps, when you think of Havana, you think of the National Capitol building?

El Capitolio in Havana, complete with the requisite classic car.

Or maybe it is the architecture found on the the city streets of Havana?

Classic Cuban Architecture, with a few classic cars.

Is it one of the beautiful squares adorned with the classic cuban baroque architecture ?

Cathedral Square with La Catedral de la Virgen María de la Concepción Inmaculada 

Perhaps, it is the fascinating artwork that can be found all over the city?

Rafael San Juan’s monumental sculpture ‘Primavera’, along with a painting, and yes, a classic car.

Perhaps, it is Revolutionary Square where large steel structures outline Fidel and Che Guevara ?

Revolutionary Square with figure of Che Guevara, and “our” classic car for the afternoon

The waterfront (Malecon promenade) with its fisherman and famouns fortress? (Castle of the three kings of Morro)

Castillo de los Tres Santos Reyes del Morro (Morro Castle) was erected between 1589 and 1630 to protect the mouth of the Havana port from pirates and invaders. The fortress stands as an icon on the harbor. 

The outside architecture of the Grand Theatre is stunning while renovations continue on the inside.

The Grand Theatre (still undergoing renovations on the inside) accented with a few beautiful classic cars.


When you think of Cuba, perhaps, you think of the countryside like Vinales with it’s farmers, mountains, tobacco farms? 

The countryside of Vinales

85 year old tobacco farmer at work

Plowing the filed with the oxen team. The chickens are following waiting for something to turn up


How about Trinidad with its classic Spanish architecture. ? Famous square? Colorful buildings? 

Famous Bell Tower of Trinidad

Beautiful buildings and, of course, a musician

Church of the Holy Trinity with horse and carriage

 Something else?

Perhaps you may think of Cuban Cigars, Mojitos or Musicians?

Perfect pose with cigar and car, in Trinidad

The classic Mojito, perhaps at the most famous Cuban cocktail at the most famous bar, La Bodeguita del Medio

The local boxers?

Junior world champion working hard at practice, Havana

Live music filled the air in both Havana and Trinidad. During the day it was on the streets, and at night at the restaurants. [iPhone shot]

When you think of Cuba….

What comes to mind ?