Kenai Fjords
We missed two fjords already (Tracy’s Arm and Glacier Bay). We were there, but we could see very little due to the low cloud cover, fog, mist. Mother Nature threw everything she had at us. Feeling a bit down, we tried one last fjord on our final day in Alaska. After such poor fjord showings, we were not confident in Kenai Fjords National Park.
Mother Nature was napping because we were presented with very nice weather, good enough to restore our faith in fjords. I really enjoyed traveling all the way to the Holgate Glacier. After the six hour boat ride, I guess you could call me a fjord explorer.
We saw some great scenery and a plethora of animals, some of which we had never seen. Now that you recovered from my pun, here are some photos of animals and things.

Mother Mountain Goat and baby hanging on the side of the mountain.

This was my first Puffin encounter – love their colors.

Sea Lions are quite interactive and playful.

These Sea Gulls were spooked by a raptor.

This puffin was walking on water then lift-off.

Mother and baby Sea Otter.

Killer Whales, aka Orca. You know there not really whales, right?

Holgate Glacier at the end of the fjord.
Remember, it’s all about the light.
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