Inle Lake is known for their fishermen who fish the way of their ancestors. Except for the motors on the back of their boats,  they still use the techniques passed down through generations of successful fishing. With a conical net and multi-pronged spear they stand up at the back of the boat, precariously balanced.  They can move and steer the boat with one foot while peering into the water in search of their prey. This is quite a successful way of fishing here at Inle Lake as the deepest part of the lake is quite shallow.

Just as the sun was rising,= my fisherman hailed the new day.

Just as the sun was rising my fisherman hailed the new day.

They decided to take a break.

Then they decided to take a break.

Photographing a fisherman in action is the shot to go after. We patrolled the lake finding many fisherman, none doing the calisthenics we desired. So, when posed with a problem like this, we keep harkening back to what Rick Sammon always says, “Make the shot, don’t take the shot.”  We set out to make the shot. We hired three fisherman to meet us at dawn for a photo shoot.  They positioned themselves in ways that pulled at my hamstrings and groin. They were fantastic, giving us all the shots we wanted.


This fisherman kept trying to match his shadow.

Along with fishing, they also like to smoke. [Three Smoking Amigos]

They love to smoke.

They love to smoke.

One of them gave me a ride in his boat – and then performed some circus acts for me.

He did many types of calestentics for me. Incredible balance.

He did many types of calisthenics for me. Incredible balance.

In the end, we made the shots. What do you think?

This is my portrait of a fisherman.

This is my portrait of a fisherman.

And remember, its all about the light, especially here at Inle Lake at sunrise.