When you think of Cape Cod, what comes to mind?
Is it endless walks along sandy beaches? Maybe kids playing in the ocean surf? Could it be a picturesque fishing village? Or boats moored in the mist? And definitely, crowds and crowds of tourists!
Today, we had none of that. Instead, we spent the day in a swamp, alone, where it was dark, dank, and deliciously photogenic. As we walked the boardwalk through the swamp, I kept imagining a scene from Star Wars, where Luke was searching for the Jedi master, Yoda, on the distant planet of Dagobah.

Of course, Luke didn’t have the boardwalk to make the trek easy
Although we never met up with Yoda, we deemed our visit successful. We demonstrated our prowess by capturing the mood and feel of the swamp through our photography.

Just before we reached the swamp we were greeted by these dancing ladies, or were they sirens?

Almost everything was green, either leaves or moss, except for one brown tree.

“X” marks the spot. Too bad there was no treasure.
Do you now think we are Jedi Photographers?
Great pictures! Good story also. Thx for posting.
Yes, definitely Jedi photographers! Loved the dancing ladies, and the awesome alliteration along the way. Didja find the cotton candy stand at the end of that road?
You always find the most interesting places! Are you sure you didn’t find any traces of Yoda?
Where on the Cape did you find the wooden walkway?
Hi Sue, the walkway is part of the White Cedar Swamp Trail just outside of Wellfleet. Take Marconi Station Road off of Rt 6. Hope this helps!