The Best of 2023
Just this week, Jeff challenged me to create a portfolio of my 20 best images. I asked the clarifying question, “the 20 best from our last trip (Antarctica), right?”
He replied, “No, your best 20 photos ever”.
This may be a great idea to refine my portfolio, but with my current archive having close to 180,000 images, this task is incomprehensible for me.
The task of narrowing down the top 20 images from this year is beyond daunting.
A Photo
For me (and Jeff), when I review my images, it takes me back to the moment when I pressed the shutter button. I am transported to that place and time. For example, with this photo of the Oregon coast, I feel the breeze, smell the ocean, hear the surf, see the amazing sunset colors and stand in awe of the beauty. So much so, that I probably “clicked” off 2 dozen shots of the same subject, because I was worried that one image wouldn’t do it justice.
The Emotional Component
This emotional component of every photo often gets in the way of determining whether or not it is a good photo. I cannot be objective. I am in love with the moment and reliving the experience. My favorite photos are often the ones the bring back the strongest memories.
My Favorite Place
Recently, I have had a number of people ask me where was my favorite place to visit? It is a question I cannot answer. Each trip contributes an experience I cannot imagine not having. The ability to travel is a real gift. I dream of adventures, I travel to unique places, I experience the natural beauty and the people, and when I get home I relive my dreams through my photos. Each place has a different culture, along with amazing scenery and often unique wildlife. I am a far richer person for having traveled to and through these places.
2023 Travel
This year was our busiest travel year, visiting 8 countries across 6 continents. Within the United States we photographed places in Texas, Oregon and California, not to mention a beautiful wildflower season here in Arizona.
With all that said and done, let’s get to the main attraction. My top photos of this year.
Sorry to disappoint you. After spending days, trying to identify my “Best of 2023”, I have failed. I love too many photos to “cut” any out. I am too indecisive. Considering that many these photos have been shared in previous posts, I certainly do not want to overwhelm you with hundred of photos, so, I am taking a different approach.
Instead, I share with you some of my favorite photos that did not make it into a blog post.

Kyoto, Japan. We had hoped to photograph sunset with a temple in the foreground and Mt. Fuji in the background, but with lows clouds we had neither Mt. Fuji or sunset. However, the forest behind the temple was beautiful.

Japan, Mt. Fuji. The one day we could see it, I was able to capture it at sunrise.

“Is that what I look like?” A curious penguin approached a us. One person tried to get a close up of the penguin, and he cooperated. [Antarctica]

There is a couple of Great Horned Owls that nest in the same cactus each year just a few miles from our home. Photographing before sunrise, I was able to capture Mom as she briefly returned to the nest.

The wildflower bloom in Arizona this past spring was spectacular.

Fields of poppies with Four Peaks in the background. Arizona

The cactus flowers were also amazing this past spring. These night bloomers were on my front patio – captured just before sunrise with a flash.

My favorite cactus (another night bloomer) bloomed with so many flowers you couldn’t see the cactus itself.

A camera club outing provided the opportunity to capture this beauty just after it landed at Falcon Field in Mesa, Arizona.

Our trip to the Seychelles provided picture perfect scenery of water and sky. I love the colors.

I love the Oregon Coast. A return trip to Bandon Beach in August provided some amazing photo opportunities.

The beautify of Bandon Beach at dusk

A Flock of Pelicans, La Jolla, California. A visit with our new granddaughter in September offered an early morning shoot in La Jolla.

Venice, Italy. We had just photographed the gondolas near St. Mark’s Square when the light on posts in front of Santa Maria della Salute caught my attention.

One of my favorite photos from Venice. I captured this by chance as I turned around to view the Gondolas we had just photographed on the waterfront.
I hope you enjoyed some of my special memories from this past year. I would love to hear if you have a favorite or two from this post.
Wishing you a joyful and healthy New Year!
Very nice photos. Happy new Year.