Shooting the Bryant Girls
I got a call the other day from my daughter, Rebecca. Normally we just chat about what is going on for the day, the kinds of things fathers and daughters talk about. This call, however, had a different intent. Becca, who is graduating from Bryant University, cut right to the chase, “Dad, can you come down to Bryant and take graduation pictures of me and my friends?” She went on to say that they were going to hire a professional photographer to photograph them but it would cost them $125. “Who has $125? We’re poor college kids.” My answer was a quick and definite, “Yes.” This was a golden opportunity for a photo shoot and to hone my portrait skills, as well as look good in the eyes of my daughter. You fathers out there know why this is so important.
A couple of days later (and a couple of days prior to the shoot), Becca and I were talking again. The subject got around to photography. “Becca,” I said, “the other day I was hired to photograph a friend’s sports car. He needed photos to post as part of the sale process. He paid me $100.” She quickly retorted, “you’re not going to charge me $100, are you?!?” Ha ha, of course I didn’t.
As it turned out, the photo shoot was so much fun I wouldn’t have charged them. We photographed five young ladies alone and together and in multiple locations around the Bryant campus. We all laughed from beginning to end. They wanted to be photographed and I wanted to photograph them. It was a perfect storm. My subjects were, Becca, Leticia, Rachel, Jess, and Alex. They were student-athletes and they were scholars. All five have bright futures, money well invested by us and their parents.

This was the first pose. From left to right, Alex, Rebecca, Rachel, Leticia, and Jess. Off to a great start!


Rebecca, our daughter.


Jess, a student-athlete at field hockey.

Alex, a student-athlete power forward in basketball.

A little fun in front of the Bryant archway. They’ve waited four years to “walk” through the arch into the real world.

A scholarly pose.

The final shot of the day.
Thanks Becca, Leticia, Rachel, Jess, and Alex. I think we had more fun than you!
And remember, it’s all about the light!
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