I should have been watching the Master’s. But, when out for an early morning walk, I saw this cactus, a Saguaro cactus, in full bloom. And, the lighting was quite nice with the sun in partial hiding. I just couldn’t resist. So, I put the Master’s on the back burner for a few moments and headed out with my camera and long lens. It’s hard to get close to the blooms on one of these mature Saguaros as they are quite tall (upwards of 70 feet) with all the blooms at the very top. Now, I don’t find this flower nearly as pretty as others we see around these parts. But, it is the Arizona state flower. And, now being from Arizona, paying homage is the right thing to do.

I was standing about 10 feet away, looking up with a very long lens.

I moved a little closer and zoomed in some more.

These bees look as thought they are dive bombers.
And on the way home there was this beauty. The orange was exquisite.

The lighting in conjunction with my polarizer make these flowers really pop.
Thanks for coming along. And remember, it’s all about the light!
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