If you saw our “Pre Safari” post, you may have noticed that our “shot list” included that of a Zebra. Little did we know that we would be photographing in the midst of the zebra migration. We’ve seen — not dozens, not hundreds, but rather thousands of zebras at time. Try to imagine a mass of black and white lines all moving in different directions. Psychedelic, dizzying, and mind blowing! There is no way a photo can capture the feeling of being in the middle of a herd that is in constant motion and that goes as far as the eye can see. That being said, we tried… how did we do with these shots?

Zebras as far as the eye can see… with a lone Wildebeest in the crowd.

Black and white, black and white, black and white… all lined up.
Our workshop leader came back from a game drive all excited that he’d seen a “brown” zebra. He showed off his photo of what appeared to be a brown zebra – it looked suspicious. (Note, we had three different vehicles going out each day as a part of our group – often covering different areas). Curious, the next day, we asked our guide, Dominic, is there such a thing as a “brown” zebra? He explained that zebra stallions are black and white while the mares and young foals have more blackish-brown stripes with white. Sure enough after looking at a few we could tell the difference. And so we concluded, our workshop leader had seen a female zebra.
The next game drive…. low and behold we came across a “brown” zebra (the same one?) with chestnut colored stripes…. Stunned, our guide said, wow, “a red zebra”. I guess they are not so rare after all!
The zebras are an amazing creature… and of course, they look best in the early morning light.
Remember it’s all about the light!
Amazing! Guess we didn’t look close enough..did you see the “Grevys” zebra?
No, we didn’t see the Grevy’s Zebra… I had to look it up to see what it looked like. Wow, it is different. How many types of zebras did you see?