Sweet Light Photos Gives Back
Recently, Kathryn and I were invited to join the board of WorldPix. WorldPix is a photography based charity [...]
Painting the Light
Painting the light, otherwise known as "light painting", involves adding your own light to the [...]
2015 – What a Year
Happy New Year from myself and Kathryn. We’d like to thank you for following us [...]
“Only the Shadow Knows”
A constant theme of our photography for this trip has been the low angle of [...]
Coal Mine Canyon
It was last day of our photography getaway and my trigger finger was still a [...]
Finally, the Wave
Hike to The Wave, Part 4: We are now up to seven miles into our [...]
Waves & Water in the Desert?
Hiking to The Wave, Part 3: The Second Wave Departing from Sand Cove, we continued [...]
Sand Cove (a.k.a. Olympic Racetrack)
Hiking to The Wave, Part 2: Sand Cove Since we had visited The Wave the [...]
Never Tire of Toadstools
These toadstools are not the edible variety nor are they poisonous either. Most of us [...]
Ever been to a boneyard?
Hike to the Wave, Part 1 A few years ago we visited the “Wave.” Ever [...]
Who Needs the Sun Anyway?
Time of year and time of day can have such an impact on a photo. [...]
Stud Horse Point
Well the name of the location was a bit misleading. There were no horses and the only [...]