Originally, “Telephone Poles” with arrows and feathers added
Located just a few miles from “2 Guns“, is another vestige from the Route 66 era, the old Twin Arrows Trading Post.
The arrows are striking and were enough to entice us to stop.
Would you believe these arrows were originally telephone poles?
Yes, the owners put the trading post on the map by adding “tips and feathers” to the poles, and thus, “Twin Arrows” was born.
Beyond the arrows, not much remains except the shells of a couple of gas pumps, the trading post and a cafe. Just about enough for one photo (of course, I took dozens!).

All that remains, is the frame of the Cafe and Trading Post and a couple of skelton pumps

Twin Arrows Trading Post
The character of these old places seem to best be captured in black and white, don’t you agree?
And, it’s all about the light.
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